Peluang Usaha Mandiri

Monday, April 20, 2009

Software Statistik, Ekonometrik dan Matematik Gratis

Bagi yang membutuhkan software-software gratis untuk pengolahan data baik pengolahan statistik, ekonometrik maupun matematik, pada halaman ini tersedia listnya. Silakan diklik masing-masing link dibawah ini. Selamat belajar dan mempelajarinya. Tapi jangan kuatir, sebagian besar dari software dibawah ini menyertakan panduan operasinya.

DATAPLOT (10-2007) Software for Scientific Visualization, Statistical Analysis, and Non-Linear Modeling…. full review
>INSTAT + (3.36) General Statistical Package particurarly aimed at Analysis of Climatic Data…. full review
KYPLOT (2.0) An Integrated Environment for Data Analysis and Visualization
MICROSIRIS (9.2) Statistical and Data Management Package
OPENSTAT (23/03/08) Software particularly aimed at Students in Social Sciences…. full review
WINIDAMS (1.3) Software Package for the Validation, Manipulation and Statistical Analysis of Data…. full review
DEMETRA (2.1) Interface for Time Series Techniques as Tramo/Seats and X12-Arima
EASYREG INT. (September 12, 2007) > Software for Various Econometric Estimation and Testing Tasks…. full review
TRAMO-SEATS (2006) Statistics and Econometrics Software
BIOGEME (1.6) Object-oriented Software Package designed for the Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Generalized Extreme Value Models
HLM (6.06) Software for Hierarchical Linear Modeling
LISREL (8.80) Software for Structural Equation Modeling
MATVEC (1.03) Software for Matrix Manipulation and Analysis of Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models.
MINISTEP (3.37) Software for Multiple-Choice, Rating Scale and Partial Credit Rasch Analysis
MX (1.7.03) Software for Matrix Algebra and Structural Equation Modeling
ARC (1.06) Statistical Analysis Tool for Regression Problems
ASSISTAT (7.5) Regression and Variance Analysis, Statistical Tests
EPI DATA (3.1) Software focused on Dataentry and Documentation of Data
EPI INFO (3.4.3) Software for Epidemiological Statistics
ESTA+ (3.1.4) Software for Descriptive Statistics
EZANOVA (0.9) Software to illustrate how the basics of Analysis of Variance
FACTOR (7.0) Software for Exploratory Factor Analysis
G7 (7.375) Software for Regression Analysis
IRRISTAT (4.3) Software for Basic Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data aimed primarily at the Analysis of Data from Agricultural Field Trials
MONDRIAN (1.0) Statistical Data Visualization System
PAMCOMP (1.41) Software for calculating Person-Years and Standardised Mortality Ratios
PAST (0.45) Data Analysis Package aimed at Paleontology
PQRS (3.2) Tool for Calculating Probabilities and Quantiles associated with a large Number of Probability Distributions
REGRESS + (2.5.3) Tool for Univariate Mathematical Modeling
SSP (2.75) Software for Descriptive Statistics
STATCALC (2.0) Probability Calculator
STATEASY (0.4) Software for Multivariate Statistics
STATISTICAL LAB (3.7) Interactive Tool To Simulate and Solve Statistical Problems (you need to have R installed)
STATTUCINO (2001) Software for Descriptive Statistics
VISICUBE (1.4) Data Exploration and Visual Data Analysis
WINSTATS (2007) Software for Descriptive Statistics

1 comment:

Unknown said...

softwarenya aku sih mau download. tapi tidak tau cara menggunakannya?

tolong diberikan buku referensi cara pemakaiannya sekalian donk, supaya bisa mencari ?

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